Collecting stars

Today, Sunday after lunch, I played a game with 2 of my grandkids, though we were quite isolated. We met on FaceTime, me in my living room and the two in a room in their home, so their parents could have one holy, solid Sabbath hour of afternoon quiet. The game was simply about collecting stars: they could earn 10 stars each time they read or reported on a picture book in hand, listened to my reading and responded to questions about the picture book in my hand, told about a project they had worked on this past week, or brainstormed a new project of their own for this week. If they left the room or called for their parents, they would lose 20 stars. R kept count of the stars (70 each) and read about his favorite two dinosaurs. G kept showing me more and more pictures of Strawberry Shortcake and friends, detailing how the imaginative dress designs of one friend helped all. Their project brainstorms for the upcoming week include drawing a ship in 3-D and making a bunny out of clothes. No stars were lost.


Balance: balance


Popcorn, easy to make